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Hellagood-1The last 3 months working with Mary Phan, Very Merry Events has been an amazing and enjoyable experience. She has taught me many lessons that to take back home for my future challenges. (I will buy a good telephone and printer)

Mary came from a interior design background and started her business 5 years ago in San Francisco, Bay Area. Today, she plans wedding that are 75K and up. It truly a once in a lifetime opportunity to be able to work side by side with her.

When Mary threw me a project to design her PORTFOLIO, I almost died – design a book from scratch to print, by a business student with little design skills. I took on the challenge and learn InDesign from scratch, but where from? YouTube. I always tell people you can learn anything YouTube, this still hold truth. YouTube rocks!


Why did you decide to start your own business?  

I had always known I would start a business one day, but not sure what. Prior to owning my own business, I worked for a lot of companies; some small start ups to big organizations. By 2008, I had been laid off twice within a short time and wasn’t sure if I could face another turnover. This was the push I needed to start my own business. I had always had dreams of being an event planner and I knew I could really help people and so I pursued my passion.  So, with a lot of support and sound advice – I took the leap and that was 5 years ago.

What was the best piece of business advice you were given when you were starting off? 

Hmm…not sure if I got any memorable business advice. But I have plenty to give now that I’ve been in business for a while.


What was the most difficult part of starting your business?

Is having the discipline to shut off. When you are passionate about your work, you never mentally shut off, and after years of not knowing when work ends and starts you can burn out pretty quickly. It’s also having a lack of focus at times because there’s only one of you, but as an entrepreneur you wear many hats.

Can you name the biggest lesson you’ve learned in running a business? 

I’ve learned that it takes an army and a village to become successful. Be kind and respectful and always help others achieve success. For a long time, I felt isolated in my business and that hindered me a bit. I say surround yourself with lots of people that make you laugh, with whom you respect, and can push you along. Don’t treat people like they are your competitors, treat them like they are your friends, create community…You could learn a thing or two from each other and in times of need you’ll have someone to turn to.



Can you name a moment of failure in your business experiences?

I don’t think of anything as a failure because through those lessons, I’ve learned a lot. Failures are good, a pain on the ass, but good for not making those mistakes again.

Can you name your greatest success in your business experiences?

Being in my business for 5 years and looking back and seeing how many lives and people we’ve impacted. In our wedding industry, the joy is seeing it all come together no matter how tough the journey was.

What business books/resources (if any) would you recommend to someone starting a creative business of their own?

– Read Creative, inc by meg Mateo ilasco and joy deranged elect cho
– I would enroll in a tax course and business classes offered through your city/state/college
– Find a lawyer and a good accountant
– Have good insurance

In your opinion, what are the top three things someone should consider before starting their own business?

1. Create a business plan
2) have a business mentor
3) know that the first 5-7 years is the average time a business either makes it or breaks it. There’s so many more, but I will leave that as my top 3.

2013-08-29 11.43.33

Getting ready for Mexico… Viva la Mexico!



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Stuffed French toast, where have you been all my life?

Traveling and living in California has not been easy with the drastic change in culture. Lucky for me, I am blessed to be surrounded with warm and amazing people. Today, I am going to share a story on how I met a stranger who became a friend family member.

It was a day before going to meet a wedding planner in Sacramento, a stranger added me on Facebook. I proceed to stalk on her and found out that she studied in Raffles Girl School, which is one of the top school in Singapore and is also a wedding photographer. I accepted her friendly request and  briefly message each other on Facebook to schedule a meet-up her workplace. I drove over to her Sacramento feeling excited to meet this stranger. Who would have guess that this stranger is a really good the top 20 wedding photographers in America and have TWO assistants. The rest is history. She housed me, cooked for me, helped me to secure my current internship and introduced me to wedding jobs. Her name is *drum roll*, Caroline Winata of Milou and Olin Photography.




Today, she made everyone some super yummy breakfast.

Click here to learn the recipe.

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While I am back in Sacramento, I had the opportunity to join crazy talented Audrey Chaney on the quest to make beautiful flora arrangements. One day on Facebook, Audrey asked for help on a crazy 4 weddings weekend and I took up the offer. Looking at Audrey working is like an artist painting on a canvas; It starts with an empty box, then filling up with leaves, flowers, all of a sudden you have this “Ah-Ha” moment where you start to see the vision, the flowers just became a work of art. This is the reason why I love to get behind the scenes and get my hands dirty. It made me appreciate the work of a florist so much more now. I am absolutely thankful for this opportunity.

“A flower is a celebration of life”.


Hellagood-5 I peeled all these roses. *wished I could use them for a bath!Hellagood-3 this is how you make a flower boutonniere!


Click here to see more pictures
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Hello internet, meet Lyn (See picture below). She is generous, funny, ghetto, laughs like a mad woman, watches VCR tapes, hosts comedy nights at her house, she is also a nurse but most of all she is a tasteful hoarder. Remember last year, I picked up a suitcase on the side of the road with stick it with vintage map? It was at Lyn’s house with Benny!
Lyn stays in a 2-story apartment loft in Sacramento that is filled with her favorite stuffs. By day, she is a nurse and help injured people. By night, she hoards and train Bennie to be the world’s most awesome dog. Benny went for a photo shoot the other day! Check out his ghetto funky pictures.




Living Room

*Even Barrack Obama endorses the house



Hellagood-6Everyone needs some playboy!


Click here to check out the rest of the photos.

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Hello hello! Today has been a totally delightful day. I have a really happy and long story to share so bear with me. As you have all known, my old Honda Accord aka The Red Chariot which I bought last winter has been waiting for me loyally at my friend’s house in LA. I am so happy to be reunited with red chariot this summer and looking forward to taking it on adventures all around California. Yeahhhh!!!

Owning a car has taught me so much. Ever since I bought the civic, so much has happened.
– I got a ticket for talking on the phone,
– Got pulled over by police and was given only a warning because I have a foreign driving license. *lucky
– The car tires EXPLODED in the middle of the freeway! (see picture below)
– The stick shift suddenly stopped working
– One back door stopped working and the other one has a permant child-lock
– I almost killed the engine by not putting in engine oil

and the list goes on..



For the past few days, I had a little brake problem with my car. So, I went to the internet and figured it might just need more brake fluid. I brought it to a random mechanic shop wanting to refill my brake fluid. The asian bossman handed me his bottle of brake fluid and said “use it but it might be a bigger problem”. After a test drive, the problem still persist so I went to this other mechanic. He told me what might be the problem but still needs a closer look and quoted $300 to fix it. He was helpful and didn’t give me any pressure at all. I took the car for a spin and the problem is gone. Wala! Probably because it needs a few stepping on the brake pedal.

I want to do something nice for the 2 mechanics. So, what might be a better idea than a big bottle of Mountain Dew on a hot summer day. Both of them were totally surprised and happy!! Me including 🙂

Afterwards, I wanted to buy some engine oil from the second mechanic but instead he gave me a bottle of it. He said “this is for you in exchange of the Mountain Dew”. I got a free bottle of engine oil. Yayyy!!

I went to Starbucks afterwards to write my blog and practice Calligraphy. I remembered reading a blog post from Happiness Is by Shannon and decided to buy the next person a hot chocolate. The girl from the counter was so impressed and gave me a gift card for my next drink.


How did I feel today? I can’t stop smiling inside and feeling happy for the whole day. I slowly sipped my hot Chocolate and hoped that the person who received the hot Chocolate would enjoy it slowly.

When is the last time you practiced a random act of kindness? What did you do? How did it make you feel?

Check out this girl who did 38 good deeds on her birthday!



I’m throwing a help out to this world. For the longest time, I am aware that I am really bad at writing. If anyone have any good resources or suggestion, please send them my way. Help!!!