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Hello everyone, this is Rani Hoover. I do not know where to start the story. Rani has the biggest heart, a great cook, make an awesome fireplace, drive a black jeep, wears leather boots and plans lovely weddings. We meet each other for the first time and she brought me lunch, Crabs!! I had the pleasure of meeting Rani’s friend who are all super cool, wine makers and photographers. Thank you Rani for all the warmth, knowledge, food and the awesome tour of the Valley.

This is one of Rani’s late night healthy creation, Pear and Avocado salad. I never know it tasted so good!


1 Avocado
1 Pear (super ride)
1 teaspoon of Balsamic vinegar
Salt and freshly ground black pepper
Sriracha (optional)

Cut the pear and avocado into small cubes
Stir in the Balsamic vinegar
Season generously with salt and pepper
Siriracha for your added kick!

Below are more pictures of my adventure with Rani Hoover. *for you Mum


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